• contato@professorprime.com.br


Have you been thinking about what you want to be doing in 2019? How about in 2025? What are your dreams?

What is an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is a visionary self-starter who loves the adventure that comes with undertaking a new enterprise and is willing to risk his or her own money.

How to organize a small business?

This blog, with its focused Action Steps, can be your personal guide to organizing a small business. We are really excited to share our knowledge, based on extensive research and practical experience working in the United States across various industries. Along the way we will introduce you to some fascinating people, cutting edge business concepts and hopefully have a lot of fun!!

Let Professor Prime (“escola de inglês, focada em conversação com Americanos”) help you turn your dream into reality with this new blog series/collection of ACTION STEPS and information to set you up for success in the United States and beyond.

By following the blog, and putting our ACTION STEPS into practice you will be on your way to developing a customized business guide that will help you turn your ideas into opportunities. Lastly, our unique, first-hand knowledge of “how things really work in the US” will put you out in front of potential competitors and help to set you up for success!!

Action Step 1:

To begin evaluating whether lauching your own business is right for you, answear what are the common characteristics that are typical of successful small business owners and leave your comments.

  1. Innovation & creativity
  2. Persistence & resiliency
  3. Flexibility
  4. Passion
  5. Is not essential to have all those qualities, but is a good idea to think about them.

PLEASE leave us any comments, questions or ideas for information you would like covered in our blog series!

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